Table Lamp/ Mood LIght
Soul, as old as time, has existed in multiple shapes and forms while witnessing many lives pass by. This light is spread across large canvasses, representing the multi-dimensionality of the soul. In meditation, a suspension of thought leads you to clarity; the same way this light shows its magic best when lit in the dark.

Material : Stainless Steel
Size : 3.25" x 2.5" x 10.5"
Lighting and Experience Design
You like potato and I like potahto
You like tomato and I like tomahto
Potato, potahto, Tomato, tomahto.
Let's call the whole thing off.
“Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off” by Ella Fitzgerald
‘Potato Potahto’ is an ethos I believe in. I believe the song is an acknowledgement and celebration of the varied perspectives different individual possess.
Specialized in Furniture and Interior Design at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, India. Am enthusiastic about designing space accessories, space planning, designing experience through space and dipping my feet into the realm of sustainable design.
I am passionate about light as a medium and its aura while also creating functional designs that redefine the aesthetic of interiors.
Planning and organisation are two of the important aspects of my life. Implementing these I look forward to accomplishing my personal and professional goals. I find encouragement within myself to explore, experiment and create under the lens of a self-critic.
The projects in my work portfolio are targeted towards specific issues. They are simple everyday products tackled through unconventional solutions and interdisciplinary experiments. Practicality, minimalism and value addition are key points in my design process.
Inquisitive in nature, studying human psychology is one of my interests. Understanding the complex human mind reasons and motivations behind actions/behaviours is something that intrigues me.